This is the feedback I got from my teacher about my contents page. The feedback I received has told me I should change my images to something that reflects the genre of my magazine more. I should also make my images smaller to be able to add more space for features and contents. Another thing I need to do is make the page numbers differently in my contents and create another column of artists. Finally I need to make sure that my title stands out on the page.

This is feedback I got from my teacher about my front cover. The feedback I received for this front cover is mostly positive but does include positive criticism which will help me to know how to change my product to create a better final product. This criticism is mostly to do with editing rather than the design, for example: decreasing the size of the sky line, giving the masthead a thicker black line to make it stand out more etc.
One criticism that I was given not to do with the editing was to move the date and price to the bar-code, even though I am grateful for the feedback the idea of putting the date and price along with the mast head I was influenced by an NME front cover showing that the positioning of the date and price is still conventional with the masthead.
Student feedback
'like your colour scheme and the amount of original photos you have used, for improvements maybe add features such as a QR code which will make your contents page much more functional!' is a piece of feedback that I got from a student which is both positive and has advice on how i can improve my content
'I like your blog! + your research and videos of the music of your choice!
I like the colour scheme of the front cover as it reflects the genre of your music as well as your image and your Reading/leeds tag.
You could improve by changing your fonts as they're quite a few different ones and you could also add a footer.'
This is a piece of feedback explaining how I could help organize my magazine as a whole by making sure that the fonts add up together but I wanted to make it so that this wasn't the case so that my magazine seemed quirky and different rather than being the same throughout.
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